Things you need to know about airdrop
You can use airdrop to transfer files from one Apple device to another. You don't need any special software or apps-just turn on Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and follow these simple steps. Airdrop is a quick, easy way to share files between Apple devices, and it's perfect for transferring photos, videos, contacts, and more. AirDrop is a wireless file transfer protocol invented by Apple Inc. AirDrop is a wireless file transfer protocol invented by Apple Inc. It uses Bluetooth to create a peer-to-peer Wi-Fi network between the sender and receiver, allowing files of any size to be transferred. When it finds nearby devices using AirDrop, you are given the choice to use it. Once selected, if your Apple device is capable of AirDrop it will show up in the devices list. Unlike other methods of transferring files between computers and mobile devices (e.g., email attachments, Bluetooth), AirDrop employs a decentralized peer-to-peer network approach. This ensures that files are transferred dir...